Wednesday, February 22, 2012

What is performance testing scenario ? What it contains.

Scenario: A scenario describes the events that occur during a testing session. A
scenario includes a list of machines on which Vusers run, a list of scripts that
the Vusers run, and a specified number of Vusers or Vuser groups that run
during the scenario.

We creates the scenario depending on NFR document/SLA. In NFR/SLA contains the what are all performance testing type need to do.

Below are the high-level business scenarios:
Scenario 1: Performing light load testing on the following scenarios with the load distribution shown below.
Script 1: With 33 % load
Script 2: With 67% load

Scenario2: Performing Load testing on the below scenarios with 100 users, with the load distribution shown below.
Script i: with 33 % load of 100 Virtual users
Script ii: With 55% load of 100 Virtual users
Script iii: With 12% load of 100 Virtual users with the below scenario settings
Ramp up: Every 2 for 4 sec
Ramp down: Stop every 5 users for 10 sec
Duration: 2 hours
Think time: 14 sec
Pacing: 9 sec
With the following ramp-up and ramp-downs:
a. Ramp up and stay at max users for few hours (Fig - 2)
b. Single hump, ramp up, stay at max users for few hours, and then ramp down (Fig ‑ 3)
c. Multiple humps during ramp up / ramp down (slowly ) (Fig - 4)
d. Spikes, multiple ramp up / down within short interval of time (Fig - 5)

Scenario 3: Performing the Peak Load test on the below scenarios between 8 AM to 11 AM and 12:30 PM to 4 PM with 100 users, with the load distribution shown below.
Script i: with 33 % load of 100 Virtual users
Script ii: With 55% load of 100 Virtual users
Script iii: With 12% load of 100 Virtual users with the below scenario settings
Scenario 4: Perform the longevity test for Scenarios 1 and 2 for longer duration with the following settings.
Ramp up: Every 2 for 4 sec
Ramp down: Stop every 5 users for 10 sec
Duration: 18 hours
Think time: 14 sec
Pacing: 9 sec
Scenario 5: Perform the load test for Scenarios 1 and 2 with rendezvous point (concurrent users) with 10 users.
Ramp up: Every 2 for 4 sec
Ramp down: Stop every 5 users for 10 sec
Duration: 1 hour
Think time: 14 sec
Pacing: 9 sec
Scenario 6: Perform the Stress test for Scenarios 1 and 2 beyond the SLA for Scripts I and II.
Ramp up: Every 3 for 7 sec
Ramp down: Stop every 5 users for 10 sec
Duration: 2hour
Think time: 14 sec
Pacing: 9 sec
Scenario 7: Performing the spike test on the below scenarios with 100 users, with the load distribution shown below.
Script i: with 33 % load of 100 Virtual users
Script ii: With 55% load of 100 Virtual users
Script iii: With 12% load of 100 Virtual users with the below scenario settings

1 comment:

rams said...

Its Good Stuff for performance testing guys.

Thanks for publishing different types of scenarios.