Monday, April 2, 2012

JMeter correlation

Step1:-Add thread group to the testPlan.
           Name :- irctc_correlation
           Number of threads:- 1
           Loop Count:- 1

Step2:-Change the LAN settings in internet browser.
            Tools-->Internet Options-->Connections-->Click on LAN settings-->
             Select Proxy server check box.
             Address:-Local host
Step3:-Add Http Proxy Server to the Workbench.
            select  “Attempt HTTPS Spoofing” check box.
            Target Controller:-TestPlan-->irctc_correlation
            Click on Start button

Step4:-Enter the url address “”  in address bar.
            Record the script as follow

Step5:-Click on stop button in Http Proxy Server.

Step6:-Add Http Cookie Manager to the thread group.
           Add View Results in Table to the Thread group.
            Add View Results  Tree to the Thread group.

Step7:-When you run the script it will show session expired in the listener. (View result tree->response data in Html rendered).The result may appear in red as failure. 
          So we should correlate the script with HTTP URL Rewriting Modifier.

   Step8:-we  observe the following BV_SessionID and BV_EngineID in http requests.

Step9:-Add  two HTTP URL Re writing  Modifiers  to  http requests which contains both BV_SessionID and BV_EngineID

i)Session Argument Name:BV_SessionID

ii)Session Argument Name:BV_EngineID

Note:-Don't forget to select “cache Session id?”

step9:Now change the variable values to “ * “  in the http requests.

Step10:-Save and Run the Script.Now the Result will be Successful.         

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